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The World Tarot Card and Its Meaning in Every Day Life

So you lay out your tarot cards and find a pearl – The World. What a happy moment! Your life seems brighter just from looking at it (that by the way shows again the power of our perception). The card tells you that your plans will conclude positively, that your work will pay off, or that you will go for that trip abroad you long for, where you will see the many wonders of the world.

But what if you don’t have travel plans. What if you don’t work on any specific life changing project. What if the card appears in a general reading spread and does not mean the outcome or the conclusion. What could it mean in just every day life?

Here is how you can FEEL the meaning of The World Tarot Card in your life:

You wake up one summer day, drink your cup of coffee… and have a moment of realization that everything is JUST RIGHT in your world and you are peaceful and happy. All seem to have fallen in the proper place. The job that you weren’t so sure about turned out to be just perfect for your circumstances. The relationship you are in may not be the “Harlequin Romance” type but oddly enough fits well with your personality and has been going strong for quite some time. Your home is just close enough to your job and not too far from the gym so you can actually go there more than once a year. And yeah, you always wanted the pool in your backyard, but your new neighbors have one and they just love to have you around. So you have a pool and a social life! And there are all these other countless small things that together work magic.

You ask yourself how it all happened?

There were no fireworks nor rounds of applause to announce that all the small pieces of your life came together. They all aligned perfectly, unassuming and unnoticed. The World must have been working behind the scenes to unveil its synchronization to your surprised eyes.

And, that’s when you realize that everything, including YOU, vibrates in a flawless harmony. Your thoughts and wishes resonate and align with people and events. You are connected with everything that surrounds you, on the right path, in the proper place and time.

You and the Universe are ONE.

2 thoughts on “The World Tarot Card and Its Meaning in Every Day Life”

  1. Hi Jolanta, great website. I wanted to let you know that in the general meaning of 5 of cups you have the explanation of 4 of cups. Just a heads up! Xx

  2. Am jack or innocent, actually I truly love thing magic spiritual guidance, madame your doing great job , appreciate that 😇😇😇

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