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8 Of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

What is the meaning of VIII Of Cups Tarot Card?The Eight of Cups indicates a departure. Not seldomly it is also about a farewell. To be left is not so much meant as taking the initiative oneself. Often it is also about a journey, I am of the opinion that this journey also takes place within the human being and leads not only to new destinations, but also to new insights.

Short Meaning Of The Eight Of Cups

  • Separation
  • New start
  • Reorientation
  • Termination
  • Change of perspective
  • Fears

The tarot cards can often also be understood as a metaphor. Thus, the Eight of Cups is not always about a separation or a change of profession, but about a profound change on the level of consciousness. I am of the opinion that all events first arise within, where they can then be viewed and classified in peace. If the events then take place on the material level, it is then not always as surprising to the person concerned as it may seem. The Eight of Cups can be interpreted as a new beginning and separation on the mental level as well as on the material level.

General Interpretation Of The Tarot Card Eight Of Cups

It is a sign of reorientation when the map of the Eight of Cups appears. I am sure that this can be significant on both the physical and mental level. The Eight of Cups symbolizes a signpost with different directional arrows and each direction promises to be an interesting journey and experience. This concerns all areas of life and many interesting learning contents and insights can be discovered.

Eight Of Cups In Love And Relationship

Since the Eight of Cups represent a new beginning, a new relationship is shown. It is also possible, that a new level of an existing relation is reached, as I can well imagine. All beginnings are difficult, says a well-known proverb, and a new situation can also be perceived as difficult, even if there is a great attraction between two people. The Eight of Cups symbolizes not only the new beginning, but also a separation, which must take place by force, so that a new beginning can be made. Such a separation can be very painful, but usually it is a growth pain, so that the soul matures quite a bit. I mean, in a relationship it is important to support each other and to do well, when everyone has been going their own ways for a long time and a common development is no longer possible, it is time to let go and start over or to climb a whole new level of the previous relationship. Blame can generally be avoided.

Eight Of Cups In Money And Career

If the tarot card Eight of Cups is revealed, this can stand for a termination of employment. Usually the person concerned gives notice himself. Sometimes there are also difficulties and uncertainties concerning a new job. The fear of change is in the foreground here and the fear of what the professional future might bring. I recommend not to act rashly here, but to weigh up all eventualities in peace and quiet and to draw up a plan with alternatives. Already the new beginning does not look so gloomy anymore, but even a little adventurous.

The Meaning Of The Reversed Tarot Card Eight Of Cups

When the Eight of Cups is upside down, this is often a sign of restlessness and agitation. If a thing never gets done, it can be very stressful and in the long run not very productive. It is also a matter of not taking responsibility. All in all, it certainly depends on the context of the respective life situation, but the upside-down card offers the hint that more commitment should be sought. I find that rest periods and well thought-out plans help against restlessness. These plans can then be implemented step by step.

Tarot Card Eight Of Cups As Advice

For me, the Eight of Cups stand above all for change and new beginnings. I would therefore recommend that you prepare yourself for such a change today. Maybe the signs are still very subtle, but they are definitely recognizable. Please look and see the change as something positive and living.

In Love

Stagnation means standstill. This is also the case in love, even though you may wish that everything remains as it is. I strongly recommend not to worry, but to look forward to a new and exciting phase in your relationship.

At Work

The card of the Eight of Cups symbolizes something new. A departure into new professional fields. Perhaps it is also new areas of responsibility which are assigned to you today. Whatever it is, it is something completely new and brings a breath of fresh air into your professional life. Please develop yourself further with joy and curiosity.

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