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5 Of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

What is the meaning of V Of Cups Tarot Card?The tarot card Five of Cups symbolizes a sad time. This is often accompanied by a loss. Profound changes can therefore be expected. The loss can affect a friendship or a relationship. Usually this card indicates a temporary grief, rarely it becomes a long-term grief.

Short Meaning Of The Five Of Cups

  • Sorrow
  • Suffering
  • Loss
  • Changes
  • Existential fears
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The Tarot card Five of Cups shows a woman whose gaze is directed to the ground. Since she perceives only herself and her own problems, these problems become oversized. Moreover, she has devoured her hands and feet, the absolute opposite of openness. For a time, this posture is effective so that problems and fears can be processed. If the phase lasts longer, I recommend lifting the head up a bit and discovering the many opportunities that can be taken every day anew. In this way, life not only becomes more bearable bit by bit, but can once again offer real satisfaction. First the head is lifted and then it stands up again.

General Interpretation Of The Tarot Card Five Of Cups

The Five of Cups shows a woman sitting on the floor and looking down, this stands for a phase of life in which the person literally lets his head hang down and is so busy with his problems that he no longer notices what his surroundings look like. I think that such times of mourning are part of a person’s existence on earth, but if the mourning phase may not end, it is important to raise one’s head again and get a view of the life around one.

Five Of Cups In Love And Relationship

A relationship that is only just beginning is still a little shaky on its feet and the chances are not very good that this relationship will last. It is possible that one of the two partners is still involved in a former relationship, even if only with her head. Overall, one of the partners has been very disappointed or is still attached to the past relationship, even if this is not consciously the case. If the relationship is already advanced, the Tarot card Five of Cups indicates that a person feels alone in the relationship and not happy. Lovesickness is typical for this card. I recommend to weigh up the different aspects of the relationship and then make a comprehensive judgement.

Five Of Cups In Money And Career

Professionally, things are not going so well. The Tarot card Five of Cups points to a professional strain and to a lot of challenges. If the employment relationship is still fresh, then it is above all about existential fears. If the profession has been practiced for some time, the Five of Cups symbolizes a lone fighter. This applies both to the activities that are performed and to the social aspect. In my opinion, this is okay as long as the person concerned feels comfortable with this role, because not everyone is sociable. But if the role is lived involuntarily, I recommend to think about changes. Often small changes are enough to achieve great things. Since the card is marked by sorrow and suffering, I think it is important to consciously face these aspects.

The Meaning Of The Reversed Tarot Card Five Of Cups

The upside down card of the Five of Cups points to a psychosis, to each one a never ending pain and grief. In this case, grief is not a phase of life that passes, but a basic attitude for the whole life. Here I advise to look for solutions and approaches to how this phase of grief can be mastered and broken up.

Tarot Card Five Of Cups As Advice

The card of the Five of Cups symbolizes for me the sadness. This feeling is not popular and yet so elementary. I would now like to ask you to accept your grief and to listen into yourself, as you can do yourself good today. Please be good to yourself.

In Love

From love we hope for the fulfillment par excellence. When things are not going well, grief can take over. I advise you not to let these feelings run over you, but to become active right now. Maybe you simply go out into nature and find the comfort you need.

At Work

The Five of Cups show you that things are not going so effectively at work today and you might be sad. I advise you to look forward to better times optimistically and to limit yourself to the essentials in your professional activities today. Please distract yourself with nice things.

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